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This DMET 580 Research Project: Action Research Design

Outcome 6

Performance as a reflective and ethical practitioner who continually evaluates the effects of his or her choices and actions on others. 


This is a PDF of an NIH certificate that states I have completed the web-based training course "Protecting Human Research Participants."


All in all completing the web-based training wasn't as daunting as it initially seemed it would be. To be honest, most of the answers were logical choices if you think critically. This is what I believe the training was trying to instill in it's takers. Additionally, there is the direct moral and ethical tests that takers are put through. This was the more difficult task. There were a few questions were I was so sure I was being careful to take all factors into consideration regarding moral and ethical choice, however there is always one tiny detail that I seemed to easily look over. Again, I believe the overall challenge of the test was not only to think critically, but read critically as well and to truly analyze the answer before responding.

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