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Today's learners have evolved and will continue to grow more diverse as time goes on. In reflection of this fact, research will continue to analyze and evaluate the science behind "what learning is" and how it can be implemented to suit varying intelligences and needs. As educators it is critical that we recognize that education cannot be mass produced or stitched into one large blanket and thrown over students. Education has become a quilt made up of many different squares as opposed to a singular piece of fabric. As a result we develop lessons with this in mind. We arm ourselves with technical, pedagogical and content knowledge; creating a highly versatile plan of action, so should plan "A" and "B" fail, we can resort to "C", "D" or even "E" if necessary. Teaching has become student-centered, allowing learners a say in their educational process now more than ever. Students can set their pace, work independently, and create their own plan of action. But most importantly, students are never alone. They have the cushion of their instructor to lend a helping hand rather than serving as a task master.

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