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This year I have had the privilege and pleasure to intern with the company I have been working for over the past three years, Cloud Chemistry.  When I mentioned to the owner, Carl Bevacqua that I needed to participate in an internship to satisfy my degree, he promptly came to me with an enormous opportunity. I was notified that he would provide me a budget, a partner and all the hours I needed to help give the company a much needed facelift. So, we sat down and discussed what needed to change the most. We quickly came to the conclusion that there was a desperate need for technology integration as well as creation of education content for both customer and employee use. Once we arrived at these conclusions, we got to work laying out what would be done over the next few months.

Application Integration

With the assistance of my partner James, I was able to find five applications that would become integral to Cloud Chemistry's progression from my internship and beyond. Above all else, we wanted as many of our applications as possible to be accessible via mobile device. Not only to ensure convenience, but to ease employees into their use. The applications were:

  1. Slack

    • Slack is a cloud-based collaboration tool used to communicate between employees. For all intents and purposes, it is a work oriented messaging application with the benefit of having tools and services that allow the facilitation of cooperative work. Together, James and I had all employees install the app on their cellphones and setup their accounts. Employees were given the freedom to give themselves "handles" or screen names, provided they attached a picture to their accounts that allowed for easy recognition. Presently, the way Slack is setup, at least in our office, is that each person has a channel tied to their name, this is where they can be contacted. Beyond that, there are additional channels that specific employees are assigned to as not all information is relevant to all employees. There is also a public channel that allows for free conversation between all.

  2. Trello

    • Trello is a web-based project management application used to organize thoughts into visual boards. Much like slack, we assisted employees in creating accounts and installing Trello onto their phones. Trello was chosen as a more specialized program for project leaders and their teammates. Basically, Trello is something similar to D2L. Users can create boards, post content on them and assign due dates as well as teammates to specific boards. Additionally, those not added to boards cannot see them nor their content. This is to help minimize clutter and confusion between teams work on projects. Much like Slack, users could create screen names provided they assigned a picture to their profiles to allow identification.

  3. Cheftap

    • Cheftap was potentially the largest integration both in work hours and implementation. think of Cheftap as a library for recipes. You can store thousands of recipes and organize them according to credentials you set in each recipe. So, if you know a specific name, you can look a recipe up by name. However, if you can't seem to recall the name but know the flavor profile, you can search according to ingredients listed in the recipe or by the profile it was given (Fruit, Dessert, Tobacco, etc.). The reason this was such a large undertaking is because Cloud Chemistry had over seven hundred recorded recipes, all on random bits of paper, on cellphones and excel spreadsheets. What Cheftap did was bring everything together in an easy to access database. So now technicians no longer need to memorize specific blends or are forced to figure exact recipes. Now, everything is on a tablet in the lab at their fingertips.

  4. Woocommerce

    • Woocommerce is a small, open source e-commerce plugin for WordPress. Being that it builds off of WordPress, this allows for a myriad of plugins that would be beneficial to any small or large business. Features such as Live customer viewing. This allows us to view customers screens while they are viewing our website so we can see what they see. Features such as this are beneficial because they allow us to get into the shoes of the customers. For example, if a customer were having issues navigating the site they need only contact us and we can walk them through as if we were sitting right there. Unfortunately I cannot provide an image because Woocommerce has sensitive data.

  5. Crisp

    • Much like Woocommerce, Crisp also works in a supplementary fashion. Crisp is an instant messaging app that allows our customers to get in touch with us via chat. When a customer creates their account with our website, they create a username and are identified as such via Crisp. Should a customer have issues with an online order or with the site, they need only message us and a representative (ME) will answer immediately. Unfortunately, given that only my partner and I are working on everything and I was the more knowledgeable regarding vapor products and practices, I am the one who presently answers the bulk of inquiries.

Educational Content

The other half of my internship was focus around developing and producing educational content for both employees and customers alike. It was decided that the best way to go would be educational, tutorial videos as well as info graphics. Knowing that we would need decent production value on these videos if we wanted to produce them for the general public as well as employees, we allotted time for script writing, rehearsals, etc. The product is the result of hours of tireless work for all involved.

  1. Mod Setup, Tips and Tricks

  2. Coil Building Basics

Informational Graphics

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