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DMET 530 - Instructional Design for Effective Learning

Outcome 3

Implement a cycle of quantitative and qualitative research that leads to improved technology integration and teacher adoption.


This is a segment from the Instructional Design unit I worked on that involved working with children at the Summit School of the Poconos. This particular segment covered the Learning Paths of Instructional Strategies and Activities. This unit discusses an analysis of learners and context, as well as propose activities to be completed by the students.


This is was a really enjoyable assignment. While I did not get to get to interact with the students much, I did get to speak with their teachers quite a bit. The school itself had a bit of a pop up vibe to it. Being a gymnastics camp in the summer and a school in the winter, it was actually quite amazing to see it in action. The biggest obstacle for this project was actually talking to the students. Fortunately enough, I had the help of my partner, Danielle, and together we were able to get what we needed!

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