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DMET 520 - Selection and Application of Learning Technologies

Outcome 1

Employs the central concepts, tools of inquiry, and structure of the discipline of instructional technology and creates an environment conducive to effective integration of technology into the school curriculum.


This paper explores the three primary categories of learning theory; Behaviorism, Cognitivism and Constructivsim. Additionally it explores Gamification Theory, or Gamified Learning and proposes how the four can potentially culminate into an educational "perfect storm" metaphorically of course!


This was an interesting paper to write, not only because of my affinity for all things game related, but simply for the fact that everything seemed to come together so nicely. Its no surprise to me that Gamification plays well with the three primary learning theories. If utilized correctly, Gamification has everything it needs to connect with the previously mentioned theories. With Behaviorism reinforcing positive outcomes, Cognitivism and Schema theory facilitating personalized mental road maps, and Constructivism promoting critical thinking; its not absurd to think the potential for success is there!

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